Hello!  My name is Susie Holiday.  Welcome to my website, where I love to share unique, fun and creative products typically not found in your local store.

Why do I do this?  I love people.  I love helping people and I love seeing them smile.  Also, I believe that unique and fun things bring smiles and bring people together.

A bit about me

I am married, have three wonderful children and a big fluffy mountain dog.  We live in the beautiful Rocky Mountain state of Colorado and enjoy spending time outside hiking, skiing, and exploring. Family in Field of Flowers

What do I do?  I search the web for really cool, fun, creative and unique stuff.  Then I share them on this website in hopes that it would make someone’s life easier and happier.

What to expect

I update the products regularly, so please come back and visit often to see what is new!  You can also stay connected through my social media links.  There is no pressure to buy anything.  If you click on the “Take a Look” button, it will take you to the original website listing where you can learn more about the product and easily purchase it if you’d like.

What makes my website different?  While searching the web for fun stuff, I came across some products that I wanted to share with my family.  Unfortunately, there were also products on these pages that would have been inappropriate for my children to see.  You will not experience that with my website.  My products are shareable with anyone.

What prompted me to get started?

With my love for people and unique items, finding great gifts for others has been pretty easy for me.  However, my husband may be an exception.  After Christmas, his pile of unwrapped gifts (but still in original packaging) always ended up in a corner of his home office.  My kiddos and I started teasing him about it.

So this past Christmas, he instead placed his pile of gifts in the corner of our bedroom, next to his nightstand.  Having to now see them every day has prompted me to really step up my game.  Since then, I have been on a mission to find gifts that will never make their way into the corner of untouched presents.

As I searched and collected ideas for my arsenal of sure-to-please gifts to give him, I found so many fascinating products that I started making lists for my children and myself.  As I told my friends about my new project for the year, I noticed I was not alone and then realized that maybe if I shared my finds, I could help others as well.

While searching for unique products and fun gifts, I was further inspired when I saw a news clip (included below for your enjoyment) about the world’s largest rubber duck and how the artists designed it with the intent to bring communities together.  Their belief being that the world’s water represents the duck’s bathtub and we are all  in it.

Where ever it goes, large groups of people flock to to the harbor to see this duck.  I found that to be so beautiful, as it truly is bringing people together, just as the artists desired.  I couldn’t help but see the connection…people (not just me) love unique things and enjoy sharing them with the ones they love.  And unique things do not need to be 60 feet tall to bring people together!

So my desire to share unique and fun gift ideas then evolved to sharing unique and fun products, whether they be gifts or not.  My hope is that the unique and fun products (and information) you find on this website brings a smile to your face, and brings you together with others.

Do you have someone in your life that is not easy to buy gifts for?  Or have you noticed a time when a unique item brought people together?  Please share in the comments below!  Thanks!

To bringing more smiles,


Susie Holiday

Founder of Unique and Fun






  • It’s nice to meet you Susie! I really like your idea of sharing your finds with “internet friends” and I know how fun it can be to find those special treasures! I am looking forward to seeing some of your finds, especially those gifts for your husband! Men are always hard to shop for aren’t they! Will you also be showing ideas for children? I will come back and visit!

    • Thank you!  It is so great to meet you as well!  Yes, I will be posting ideas for children (of all ages), adults, the home and even pets!  Please do come back and visit! 

  • I’m glad I came across your website. I find it challenging shopping for my step dad and father in law. My husband is easier because we usually both have a list that we’ve worked on all year of things we need the most.
    I’ll definitely come back here when the next shopping event comes. I love to run across unique things that are fun but not everybody has them already. Plus I’m a mom of 2 sons so I need ideas for them too.

    • Thank you!  Please do come back!  I’m so happy for you that your husband makes a list throughout the year.  That must make it so much easier.  I’ve asked my husband to make a list throughout the year because we also have other holidays like Father’s Day and his birthday, but he just says he doesn’t need anything. 🙂   

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