Professionals have believed for a long time now that it is a fundamental need to feel connected with others. Studies have shown that social connection is not only something we enjoy, but also helps our physical, psychological and emotional well-being. It gives us a sense of belonging, camaraderie and connectedness.

Having said that…have you ever looked at something and been in such awe that you were left speechless, but yet wanted to share it with someone because it was just way too amazing to keep to yourself? What is it about our experiences that make us want to share them with others?

#1. Could it be that nature is what brings people together?

Living in the city most of my life, my first camping experience was more than just sleeping in a tent and sitting around a campfire. As my family and I roasted our marshmallows we looked up at the dark mountain sky where the stars were so incredibly clear and bright. We all gazed up at the sky and tried to point out any constellations we could find. We were all in such awe and wonder that we could not help but share it with one another.

Similarly, I remember the first time my family and I hiked to the peak of a mountain. The 360-degree views were just breathtaking. What brings people together mountain topWe could see for miles out and all of the mountains were just so beautiful and majestic. We tried to capture the moment by taking pictures. It was such an amazing experience that we wanted to share it with everyone.

Other hikers that made it to the top of the mountain were also having the same experience.  There is only so much space on the top of a mountain, so we were all physically close to one another. Though they were complete strangers, experiencing the beauty and grandeur of the Rocky Mountains together made us feel as if we had been life long friends.

#2. Could it be that tragedy is what brings people together?

Recently, a police officer in my community was shot to death while trying to help a mentally ill individual. He left behind his wife and two small children. It was absolutely amazing to see how such a horrible incident brought the community together.

The community showed their support for the family with mounds of flowers, notes, and gifts laid out in front of the police station.  Various fundraisers took place to help cover the family’s expenses and there was a well attended memorial service in addition to a law enforcement motorcade that had the streets lined with community members.

Another example would be how every September we are reminded of the tragedy that took the lives of thousands of people in 2001. The way people came together worldwide after that event was so encouraging and inspiring. To this day, people come together every year to remember those that lost their lives as a result of that event.

#3. Could it be that babies bring people together?

When we are expecting a baby, we have baby showers and put in so much time, money and energy for the arrival of the little one. When the baby is born we can’t wait to see our new family member or special one. We celebrate with gifts, flowers and food. And then every year on the same day we again gather and celebrate that person’s birth.

What about baby animals?  Do you remember April the Giraffe, the pregnant giraffe that had her pregnancy and birth live streamed on YouTube? Over one million viewers tuned in to watch the birth of the calf. Almost everyone was talking about it and it was all over the media and social media.

And what about puppies?  Who can keep themselves from wanting to pet a puppy?  Not too long ago, I had a long day packed with appointments and errands.  On my way home I remembered to stop by our local pet food store to get some dog food.

It just happened to be that they had a litter of rescued puppies in a pen in the middle of the store. Like myself, everyone in the store was flocking to the pen for some puppy love.  It’s amazing how 5-10 minutes with the puppies gave me back some energy and lifted my spirits.  I couldn’t wait to tell me family a soon as I got home.  Speaking of puppy love, check out this video and see how this cute little pup brings people together.

#4. Is it possible that talent is what brings people together?

We all love watching a good sports game, especially when it comes to playoffs time. Millions of people tune in to cheer on their favorite teams. People gather in stadiums to watch these events, gather in restaurants or homes to have parties and watch the games together with loved ones (and complete strangers).

The Olympics is an event that brings the attention of the whole world. We watch athletes from different countries display so much hard work, perseverance and talent. Records are broken and we watch in amazement and wonder how it is humanly possible to do some things they do.

Same with concerts, recitals, operas, plays, musicals, movies, art exhibits and the list goes on. We go to these events and experience admiration, camaraderie and entertainment as a result of someone’s talent.

#5. Maybe unique things is what brings people together?

Have you ever noticed how we are drawn to really fun and unique things? It seems as if we have a real appreciation for when something is different. All of a sudden, we take a moment to look at it longer, we want to touch it or be around it longer.

Take for instance when you go to a car show, though people are looking at all the cars, it’s really the rare, unique and expensive cars that seems to have most of the people around them.

Or consider when someone receives the latest gadget as a gift, or think of when you are at a party where there is a gift exchange, such as the white elephant gift exchange. It’s almost always the unique and fun gifts that end up getting traded the most.

Another example that comes to mind is our trampoline. We live in a neighborhood where almost every house has the typical circular trampoline that you could easily buy at almost any larger store. Well due to the slope and shape of our backyard, we had to get a rectangular trampoline. 

Children from the neighborhood kept coming to our front door asking if they could jump on our trampoline, even though they had one at home.  We had kids at our house everyday.  The word was that our rectangular trampoline had a better bounce and because of the rectangular shape they could play their trampoline version of games like soccer, hockey and gaga ball.

On a much larger scale, consider the World’s Largest Rubber Duck and how it brings people together around the world. The creator of the World’s Largest Rubber Duck is an artist that wanted to bring joy to people and bring them together.  Take a look at my About page and you can see a cute short video about this.

#6. What if awe is what brings people together?

If we look at all the above things that bring people together, we can see a common denominator. That is awe. Research shows that when we are in awe of something we have a lesser focus on our concerns and ourselves. In turn, our smallness in that moment of awe is what makes us feel closer to others and therefore we want to share it with people.

Whether it be a starry night sky, the great compassion humans feel when tragedy hits, the birth of a baby giraffe, the Olympics, or a unique and fun gift, we want to share these things with others because we find them so fascinating and amazing. In turn, we feel more connected to others.What brings people together awe nature ocean

As a result, here at, I want you to experience awe and connectedness. That is why I search and share with you the unique and fun products and gift ideas I find.

What unique and fun products left you in such awe that you had to share it with someone? Did you have something so different and amazing that it brought people together?  Let me know below in the comments!  Thanks!

Let’s bring people together,






  • Hi Susie
    Your article is very special about a very special subject indeed. It goes to the heart of being a human. We are all part of the tribe of humans regardless of our race, creed, religion gender. As such it is a natural thing to want to share, because we all humans who have a human body and a soul spirit mind blood and systems which clearly come from the same place, wherever and whatever that may be.
    Being in Awe is recognition of the fact of who we are and indeed we just want to share, and we did it naturally as children.
    What do you think about awe and recognition?
    cheers and thanks again

    • Hi Eli,

      You’ve said it well, thank you for your comments! Ever since I wrote this post, I have noticed that I have been more aware of awe and how it brings us together. Just yesterday I was walking my dog in the park and observed a little girl that found a bug she was in awe of. A bunch of little children (and parents) came to see what she was so excited about. I am grateful that as humans we have that longing to connect and share, it is a beautiful thing.



  • Very well said, Susie. It reminded me of some of my earlier experiences with Zen in the appreciation of the performance of a job well done and Buddhism in the consideration of the unity of all the little things. We are all part of a much bigger picture and find comfort in the camaraderie in the wonder of the universe.
    All the best,

    • Thank you for your comments Jim!  It’s amazing how our awe and wonder brings us together as humans and many times we don’t even realize it.  I think it’s even more amazing when we actually are aware of it.  I’m so glad you are!  

  • This is quite interesting. A very great post.
    “What brings people together?” Is a very
    Powerful write up. I hope that this article
    Reach a lot’s of people. Can you imagine
    how many people that are looking for the answer to this question.
    I really appreciate this post and great articles.
    Thank You!

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